Saturday 19th Febuary- Daks
My first show of the season assisting Val Garland!!! I was so excited to be working with her, what a lucky girl I am! As usual, when I know I've got to be up early (4am to be precise!) I could not get to sleep! I lay in bed for hours tossing and turning, and before you know it the alarm is going off. I'm not one of these people who can just get up, throw some clothes on and be out of the door. I need time to come around properly, have breakfast and a cup of tea (without fail, otherwise I feel like I'm going to vomit), and shower and wash my hair, because it looks like I've been electricuted otherwise. So that gave me just the right amount of time before my 5:15 taxi was due, to get me to Somerset House for 6am!
So shortly after 6am in comes Val, I silently have an OMG moment to myself and crowd around to watch the demo. She asks her first assistant to do it, and I am a little dissapointed I'm not going to get to watch her at work. But then a second model arrives, so she starts on her. Great stuff, I run around to watch ;o) The look is quite simple- face and body, bamboo cream colour base to contour the cheeks, fawntastic CCB through socket of eye, blacktrack liner on top lash line (about the thickness of a cotton bud), mascara on top lashes, and peachstock on the lips.
I do two models make-up, both of which are approved by Val, and then do a third in slight chaos in hair. (I wish hair could come to us, but it's always the other way around. Always have your set bag ready to go!) Despite the models head being pulled around, I manage to do a good job with the liner. Then it's off to the line up. Which was actuallly fine because the models were mostly covered up, so there wasn't any bodies to do.
Once the show was finished, Val made a point of thanking us and saying what a great team she had, which was lovely. And I told her how honoured I felt to be working with her, to which she replied 'well you've done great make-ups', so I left with a big smile on my face, looking forward to working with her again on Tuesday! :oD
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