Sunday, 1 April 2012

Dove Campaign

Wednesday 14th March

Terry Barber, Mac's Director of Artistry and sound bite maestro, is now also signed with DW Management.  Having done London Fashion Week myself through Mac for 6 seasons, I hadn't once been put on a show with Terry, so I was very much looking forward to assisting him on this shoot for Dove, shot by Rankin at Rankin's studio.  We had 12 females to make-up, some adults and some children,  which consisted of MPs, entrepreneurs, engineers, singers, skiers ( one of which was Dancing on Ice's Chemmy Alcott), and two ladies from Everywoman.  The make-up was just about keeping them looking like themselves only better, so it was kept quite natural and neutral with most ladies having a soft, brown, smokey eye and nude lip.  Terry had been given a lot of Tom Ford make-up products so we used those, which I have to say were gorgeous but very expensive to buy!  Don't think I'll be buying any at that price!

The call time wasn't until around 1:30pm.  When I arrived there was another shoot going on at the studio.  I think Rankin is a very busy man and it isn't unusual for him to squeeze several jobs in to one day!  Once the other job and finished and cleared out we could get on with our job.  There was just going to be one group shot, so it was a really easy day.